Introducing a curated line up of digital champions and sustainability market leaders. The key objective is to fund sustainable tech solutions and empower collaboration within the natural capital ecosystem.
13 - 14 DECEMBER
Your #1 Growth Capital Fundraising Platform
Introducing a curated line up of digital champions and sustainability market leaders. The key objective is to fund sustainable tech solutions and empower collaboration within the natural capital ecosystem.
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Selected Speakers
NOAH Zurich 2023, 13-14 DEC
Digital, Sustainable, Profitable, Growth
NOAH Conference Zurich aims to be a digital and physical collaboration platform for all stakeholder groups to bring sustainable and measurable impact to the World. The event on the 13 – 14th December in Zurich will connect the smart capital with the most exciting startups, impact driven organisations and projects.
203 Confirmed Speakers
Raising Together $13bn at NOAH Zurich
Our curated speaker line-up will feature a unique mix of 60% digital growth and 40% sustainability companies. Sustainability is the new digital driving a global paradigm shift from pure monetary to also include the global natural ecosystems.
What to Expect at NOAH?
Unite the sustainability sector for scaling and defining the natural capital industry.
NOAH Zurich 2023
Investor Concierge Service
If you are an investor, don`t miss out to join our new concierge service. Reach out select the speaking companies you would like to set up meetings with at NOAH – even before purchasing your ticket.
NOAH Zurich 2023
Nature Pavilion
In the face of the escalating climate and biodiversity crises, collaboration has never been more urgent. Join us for a stimulating exchange between nature-based projects, businesses, and nature tech.
Top-Down Curation of all Stakeholders
Structuring the largest Sector of the World
We believe that impact is coming through coordination and not necessarily just more capital. The structuring of all relevant organisations, people, content and projects has been our focus in the recent years.
NOAH Zurich will feature a curated group of high potential companies, many of them in need of funding to scale their products into the world faster. Understanding who is working on what, suggesting investors, collaborators, customers and business partners is what NOAH is known for.
100+ Members and Growing
Nature Data Alliance
Established by nature tech and project developers, we seek to connect the most relevant climate change mitigation products. The objective is to derive sustainable land use decisions backed by transparent and open-source data. But data has never been enough, we need systems, digital systems.
System change is tough, but finding, connecting, and scaling the best already existing tools to one solution is the hope we have, to prevent the climate catastrophe.