In the face of the escalating climate and biodiversity crises, collaboration has never been more urgent. Join us for a stimulating exchange between nature-based projects, businesses, and nature tech. The Nature Pavilion – conceived as a symbiosis of organizations – will highlight different aspects of climate and biodiversity action through interactive exhibitions and events. As the term symbiosis suggests, we aim to foster a close and mutually beneficial interaction between actors striving for true impact. More details about exhibitors and participants will follow soon.
13 - 14 December 2023
Nature Pavilion by
About is a map-based portal for restoration and conservation initiatives to document, display, and communicate impact transparently, as well as to engage with stakeholders. Created by OpenForests.
About OpenForests
OpenForests provides transparency, data management, and engagement tools for the restoration and conservation movement. Read the OpenForest manifesto here.
13 - 14 December 2023
Digital, Sustainable, Profitable, Growth
Introducing a unique line up of digital champions and sustainability market leaders
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